Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Time Event (+)
17:00 - 21:15 Welcome cocktail and Dinner (Sponsor: TII) (Salon d'honneur)  
21:15 - 21:45 Bus - from Ecole Polytechnique to Massy Palaiseau  

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Time Event (+)
08:00 - 08:30 Bus - from Massy-Palaiseau to Ecole Polytechnique  
08:30 - 09:00 Opening Ceremony (Amphi Gay-Lussac)  
09:00 - 10:20 Keynote (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Eric Charkaluk (Session Chair) (+)  
09:00 - 09:40 › Metal additive manufacturing: insights into controlling microstructure, defects and properties - Mark Easton*  
09:40 - 10:20 › Magnetic Field-Assisted Direct Liquid Metal Deposition - Julie Gheysen*, William Le Bas, Tyler Benkley, Xiaojiao You, Raphaël Charvet, Cyril Dénéréaz, Cyril Vogt, Andreas Mortensen  
10:20 - 10:40 Coffee break (Grand Hall)  
10:40 - 12:40 Al alloys (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Julie Gheysen (Session Chair) (+)  
10:40 - 11:00 › Two novel high-strength and high-productivity alloys for laser powder bed fusion: Mechanical properties of Scancromal® (Al-Cr-Mo-Sc-Zr) in comparison to Scalmalloy® - Barbara Agricola*, Annegret Kerschenlohr, Eric Jägle, Frank Palm  
11:00 - 11:20 › Unravelling the microstructure development and strengthening mechanisms of AMALLOY3D-HT, an aluminium grade developed for laser powder bed fusion and high-temperature applications - Giuseppe Del Guercio*, Federico Bosio, Stuart Robertson, Paul Bagot, Souvik Sahoo, Maria Teresa Perez Prado, Nesma Aboulkhair  
11:20 - 11:40 › An Al-Cr Based Alloy System Combining Fatigue Resistance, High Surface Quality and Cost-Effectiveness - Janina Schmidt*, Lukas Langer, Heinz Werner Höppel, Ulrich Tetzlaff  
11:40 - 12:00 › PBF-LB manufacturing and microstructural analysis of nanoalloyed Al5254 alloy - Irina Smolina*, Konrad Gruber, Wojciech Stopyra, Marcin Kasprowicz, Michał Karoluk, Emilia Grochowska, Karol Kobiela  
12:00 - 12:20 › Effect of heat treatments on the high temperature mechanical strength of a novel Al-Mn-Ni-Cu-Zr alloy designed for Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Tristan Lenoir*, Bechir Chehab, Arthur Després, Jean-Jacques Blandin, Guilhem Martin  
12:20 - 12:40 › Tool for Design of Alloys for Additive Manufacturing by Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Karin Frisk*  
10:40 - 12:40 Ni and Multi-material alloys (Amphi Becquerel) - Eduard Hryha (Session Chair) (+)  
10:40 - 11:00 › A Novel Approach to Produce Metal-Metal Composites by Leveraging Immiscibility: Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Nano-Silver Dispersed Titanium - Hamed Shokri*, Silja-Katharina Rittinghaus, Janett Schmelzer, Jessica Bertrand, Bilal Gökce  
11:00 - 11:20 › Interfacial reactions in multi-material DED printing of aluminum and nickel - Chanho Park*, Haeju Jo, Wei Zhang, Hyunji Nam, Wookjin Lee  
11:20 - 11:40 › FCC and BCC phases in 316L-CuCrZr multi-material additive manufacturing - Amir Jamili*, Indranil Basu, Cyril Cayron, Steven Van Petegem, Jamasp Jhabvala, Daniel Weisz-Patrault, Joerg Loeffler, Roland Logé  
11:40 - 12:00 › Laser powder bed fusion of In718/GRCop-42 bimetallic structures: effect of deposition order and process parameters - Alasdair Bulloch*, Richard Hague, Christopher Tuck, Amanda Cruchley, Allin Groom, Marco Simonelli  
12:00 - 12:20 › ABD®-1000AM: A highly processible superalloy for additive manufacturing, computationally designed for 1000°C applications - Solange Vives*, Dominic Peachey, Yining He, Pimin Zhang, John Clark, Zara Hussain, Thomas Wagstaff, André Nemeth, David Crudden  
12:20 - 12:40 › The Influence of microstructure on the hot ductility of AD730 manufactured by laser powder bed fusion. - Clement Richard*, Tiphaine Giroud, Romain Bordas, Thibaut Froelinger, Didier Locq, Marc Thomas, Guilhem Martin, Arthur Després  
12:40 - 13:40 Lunch (Salon d'honneur)  
13:40 - 15:40 In process/in situ alloys/microstructure engineering (Amphi Becquerel) - Mark Easton (Session Chair) (+)  
13:40 - 14:00 › Designing LPBF microstructures with advanced thermal paths and in situ alloying - Roland Logé*, Claire Navarre, Reza Esmaeilzadeh, Lucas Schlenger, Cyril Cayron, Vigneashwara Pandiyan, Jamasp Jhabvala, Eric Boillat, Patrik Hoffmann, Nicola Casati, Daniel Grolimund, Federica Marone, Steven Van Petegem  
14:00 - 14:20 › In-situ Engineering of Microstructures During Metal Additive Manufacturing - Nima Haghdadi*, Sophie Primig  
14:20 - 14:40 › In-process alteration of Ti-6Al-4V microstructure during additive manufacturing - K. Abdellah Abdesselam*, Steve Gaudez, Steven Van Petegem, Veijo Honkimäki, Manas V. Upadhyay  
15:00 - 15:20 › Assessment of high-carbon steels processability by powder bed fusion - laser beam through microstructural characterization and hardness test - Rodolfo Batalha*, Paulo Morais, Ana Cabral  
15:20 - 15:40 › Tailoring the grain structure of pure Cu via in situ recrystallization in Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion (EB-PBF) - Alexandre Margueret*, Guilhem Martin, Lucas Varoto, Pierre Lhuissier  
13:40 - 16:00 Beam shaping + Modelling + Metamaterials (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Kim Vanmeensel (Session Chair) (+)  
13:40 - 14:00 › Probing the mechanisms of ductile fracture with random porous metamaterials - Gabriella Tarantino  
14:00 - 14:20 › Fabrication of a single-crystal-like β structure with unique variant selection for a near-β Ti alloy through laser powder bed fusion using a flat-top laser beam - Tomonori Kitashima*, Takanobu Hiroto, Makoto Watanabe  
14:20 - 14:40 › Numerical simulation of melt flow and track morphology in laser powder bed fusion of 316L stainless steel - Yijie Liang*, Zhongfu Cheng, Annelies Malfliet, Muxing Guo, Bart Blanpain  
14:40 - 15:00 › An analytical approach to scanning parameter selection: adapting normalized enthalpy to complex geometries - Ignacio Rodriguez Barber*, Maria Teresa Perez-Prado  
15:00 - 15:20 › Defect sensitivity of LPBF-manufactured architected cellular materials with random pores - Selma Leonardi*, Anne-Laure Helbert, Gabriella Tarantino  
15:20 - 15:40 › Towards architected microstructures using advanced laser beam shaping in metal additive manufacturing - Reza Esmaeilzadeh*, Jamasp Jhabvala, Lucas Schlenger, Eric Boillat, Roland Logé  
15:40 - 16:00 › Influence of architecture on serrated flow appearance in additively manufactured Inconel 718 metamaterials - Souvik Sahoo, Zhi Chen, Shruti Banait, Dan Mordehai, Maciej Haranczyk, Maria Teresa Perez Prado*  
16:00 - 16:20 Coffee break (Grand Hall)  
16:20 - 17:20 Steels (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Steve Gaudez (Session Chair) (+)  
16:20 - 16:40 › Cyclic behaviour and microstructural evolution of metastable austenitic stainless steel 304L produced by laser powder bed fusion - Miroslav Šmíd, Daniel Koutný, Kateřina Neumannová, Zdeněk Chlup, Luboš Náhlík, Michal Jambor  
16:40 - 17:00 › The effect of dislocation cell structures on phase transformations of metastable 304L steel processed by laser powder bed fusion - Michal Jambor*, Christos Sofras, Jan Čapek, Efthymios Polatidis, Miroslav Šmíd  
17:00 - 17:20 › Designing a wear-resistant tool steel for laser powder bed fusion - Konrad Kosiba*, Daniel Wolf, Matthias Bönisch, Lukas Beyer, Uta Kühn, Sergio Scudino, Lars Giebeler, Julia Hufenbach  
16:20 - 17:20 Post-process heat treatments (Amphi Becquerel) - Nima Haghdadi (Session Chair) (+)  
16:20 - 16:40 › Effect of laser rescanning on thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of Al-1.2Fe alloy fabricated by laser-directed energy deposition - Haeju Jo*, Wei Zhang, Wookjin Lee  
16:40 - 17:00 › Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing on the ability to heal cracks in 5xxx series aluminum alloys produced by Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam / Melting - Wojciech Stopyra*, Michał Karoluk, Marcin Kasprowicz, Iryna Smolina, Konrad Gruber, Karol Kobiela, Emilia Grochowska  
17:00 - 17:20 › Impact of heat treatments on microstructure and mechanical properties of γ/γ' Ni-based superalloys obtained by DED processes - Guillaume Burlot*, Bertrand Max, Aurélien Prillieux, Arnaud Proietti, Marjolaine Sazerat, Romain Bordas, Emmanuel Saly, Alice Cervellon, Elise Ferreira, Jonathan Cormier  
17:20 - 17:30 Break to rassemble in Amphi Gay-Lussac  
17:30 - 18:10 Keynote (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Christian Leinenbach (Session Chair) (+)  
17:30 - 18:10 › Additive Manufacturing: An Invitation to Revisit the Role of Solutes - Guilhem Martin*, Arthur Despres, Charlotte Mayer, Paraskevas Kontis, Maxence Buttard, Camille Pauzon, Béchir Chehab, Pierre Lhussier, Jean-Jacques Blandin  
18:10 - 18:50 Poster presentations (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Manas Upadhyay (Session Chair) (+)  
18:10 - 18:11 › Modelling of precipitation kinetics in additively manufactured Ni-based superalloys using high-throughput thermodynamic and kinetic simulation approach - Ahmed Aslam  
18:11 - 18:12 › About the use of inter-pass time and additional cooling system to control the microstructure and mechanical properties of duplex stainless-steel parts built by wire-arc additive manufacturing - Anas RASSANE  
18:13 - 18:14 › Operando phase mapping during laser powder bed fusion of 316L and CuCrZr premixtures - Antonios Baganis  
18:14 - 18:15 › Physics-Informed Prior Means and Kernels in Gaussian Process Thermal-Modeling for the Design of Printable Alloys - Brent Vela  
18:15 - 18:16 › Temperature field numerical prediction during Directed Energy Deposition of a metallic bulk sample - Calogero Gallo  
18:16 - 18:17 › Microstructural modification of LPBF-processed high manganese steel by laser parameter alternation - Daniel Koutný  
18:17 - 18:18 › Improvement in the mechanical, and electrical properties due to aging of selective laser melted CuNi2SiCr - Debtanay Das  
18:18 - 18:19 › Additive manufacturing of WC-Co ceramic/metal composites using binder jetting : from powder to sintered part properties - Erwan Marciano  
18:20 - 18:21 › Modelling the microsegregation process in rapid solidification – Application to the IN718 alloy of aeronautical interest - Gildas GUILLEMOT  
18:22 - 18:23 › Understanding Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Stainless Steel: Importance of Considering the Complex Marangoni Effect in Process Optimization - Jian Yang  
18:23 - 18:24 › Approaching the Design of Additively Manufactured Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) coupled with Thermodynamic Simulations. - Jorge Valilla Robles  
18:24 - 18:25 › Study of Dievar and 20MnCr5 Powders for Gear Repair and Manufacturing by Laser Metal Deposition - Maria Azpeleta  
18:25 - 18:26 › Comparing different techniques to physically simulate microstructures generated by wire-arc directed energy deposition - Martin Klein  
18:26 - 18:27 › Microstructure control of additively manufactured Ni-based superalloy for improvement of high temperature ductility - Masaki Taneike  
18:27 - 18:28 › Instrumented LMD-p chemically graded steels: link between thermal history and as built microstructure - Matthieu Bossy  
18:28 - 18:29 › Hybrid Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing Process - Mohamad Rostom  
18:29 - 18:30 › European NUCOBAM project: First L-PBF stainless steel components to meet nuclear safety requirements - Myriam Bourgeois  
18:30 - 18:31 › Influence of preheat temperature on the microstructure and hardness of IN718 alloy fabricated via electron-beam powder bed fusion - Nana Adomako  
18:31 - 18:32 › Testing the state-of-the-art LPBF structures for mitigation of Eddy current losses in ferromagnetic cores - Olivier Marconot  
18:32 - 18:33 › Modulation of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of stainless steels obtained by the wire arc additive manufacturing process, to control the in-service mechanical characteristics and optimize their forming. - Pauline Arnoulin  
18:33 - 18:34 › Study of oxide nanoprecipitate formation mechanisms in 316 L stainless steel produced by rapid solidification processes: gas atomization and Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF)/ effect on impact toughness - BOUALOUACHE Salima  
18:34 - 18:35 › DEDp Additive manufacturing of a TiC-renforced case-hardened steel matrix composite - Samuel El Haddaoui  
18:35 - 18:36 › Changes in the morphology and chemistry of an oxidation-sensitive β-Ti alloy powder during the processing steps of additive manufacturing - Jan Haubrich  
18:36 - 18:37 › Alloy combinatory synthesis by hybrid Cold Spray-Laser process - Lacondemine Tanguy  
18:37 - 18:38 › Influence of a Static Magnetic Field on Direct Liquid Metal Deposition - William Le Bas  
18:38 - 18:39 › Development of Rotation Continuous PBF 3D Printing System and Optimization of STS304 Process - Yongrae Kim  
18:39 - 18:40 › Advanced Processing of High Entropy Alloys - Julia Chmielewska  
18:40 - 18:41 › New Additive Manufacturing concept to develop bimaterials with optimal magnetic losses - Mohamed Arezki AMITOUCHE  
18:50 - 19:00 Announcing AAMS 2025 (Amphi Gay-Lussac)  
19:00 - 21:30 Poster session + Dinner (Sponsor: AMAZEMET) - Grand Hall  
21:30 - 22:00 Bus - from Ecole Polytechnique to Massy Palaiseau  

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Time Event (+)
08:00 - 08:30 Bus - from Massy Palaiseau to Ecole Polytechnique  
08:30 - 09:50 Keynote (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Andreas Mortensen (Session Chair) (+)  
08:30 - 09:10 › Enabling Real-time Characterization of Laser-based Additive Manufacturing through Operando Techniques - Steven Van Petegem*  
09:10 - 09:50 › Diffraction based residual stress analysis for laser powder bed fusion materials: challenges and benefits - Tatiana Mishurova*, Jakob Schröder, Alexander Evans, Itziar Serrano, Giovanni Bruno  
09:50 - 10:10 Coffee break (Grand Hall)  
10:10 - 12:10 Synchrotron + neutron studies I (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Steven Van Petegem (Session Chair) (+)  
10:10 - 10:30 › Estimating elastic and thermal contributions from operando X-ray diffraction measurements during additive manufacturing - Steve Gaudez, Daniel Weisz-Patrault*, K. Abdellah Abdesselam, Hakim Gharbi, Veijo Honkimaki, Steven Van Petegem, Manas V. Upadhyay  
10:30 - 10:50 › Microstructural evolution of laser powder bed fused Inconel 718 during in-situ solution-aging heat treatments and the role of the scanning strategy - Bruno Ferrari*, Andrea Fantin, Tatiana Mishurova, Ilaria Roveda, Reza Darvishi Kamachali, Alexander Evans, Leonardo Agudo Jácome, Itziar Serrano-Munoz  
10:50 - 11:10 › Imaging the Cu solute redistribution into Al during operando additive manufacturing experiments - Steve Gaudez*, Yunhui Chen, Andaç Öszoy, William Hearn, Alexander Rack, Steven Van Petegem  
11:10 - 11:30 › Operando monitoring of multi-laser powder bed fusion process during high-speed synchrotron imaging - Samy Hocine*, Sebastian Marussi, Andrew Farndell, Elena Ruckh, Rubén Lambert-Garcia, Anna Getley, Kwan Kim, Nick Jones, Maureen Fitzpatrick, Marta Majkut, Alexander Rack, Peter D. Lee, Chu Lun Alex Leung  
11:30 - 11:50 › Understanding Cracking in Multi-material Laser Powder-bed Fusion via Operando Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging - Andaç Özsoy*, William Hearn, Steve Gaudez, Yunhui Chen, Steven Van Petegem  
11:50 - 12:10 › Synchrotron X-ray nano-tomography study of healing solutions for a Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) manufactured high-strength Al-Mg alloy - Sophie De Raedemacker*, Julie Gheysen, Grzegorz Pyka, Bartlomiej Winiarski, David Tingaud, Julie Villanova, Romain Gautier, Marc Liu, Florent Hannard, Aude Simar  
10:10 - 12:10 Bulk metallic glasses (Amphi Becquerel) - Maria Teresa Perez-Prado (Session Chair) (+)  
10:10 - 10:30 › Controlling Crystallisation in an Additively Manufactured Fe-Based Soft Magnetic Metallic Glass - Samuel Gibbon*, Marco Simonelli, Simon Sankare, Adam Clare, Alper Evirgen, James Rouse, Christopher Tuck  
10:30 - 10:50 › Insight into nano- and global-scale optimization of printed Zr-based bulk metallic glass - Sepide Hadibeik*, Emanuel Gingl, Lukas Schretter, Benedikt Bochtler, Christoph Gammer, Anton Hohenwarter, Florian Spieckermann, Jürgen Eckert  
10:50 - 11:10 › INFLUENCE OF THICKNESS ON THE (MICRO)STRUCTURE AND THE MAGNETIC BEHAVIOR OF KUAMET6B2 THIN WALLS - Saumya Sadanand*, Marcos Rodríguez-Sánchez, Amirhossein Ghavimi, Ralf Busch, Isabella Gallino, Paola Tiberto, Enzo Ferrara, Gabriele Barrera, Maria Teresa Perez-Prado  
11:10 - 11:30 › Relating laser powder bed fusion process parameters to (micro)structure and to soft magnetic behaviour in a Fe-based bulk metallic glass - Marcos Rodríguez-Sánchez*, Saumya Sadanand, Amirhossein Ghavimi, Ralf Busch, Paola Tiberto, Enzo Ferrara, Gabriele Barrera, Lena Thorsson, Hans Juergen Wachter, Isabella Gallino, Maria Teresa Perez-Prado  
11:30 - 11:50 › 3D FEM mesoscale simulations of laser powder-bed fusion of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass - Jamasp Jhabvala*, Navid Sohrabi, Eric Boillat, Toni Ivas, Güven Kurtuldu, Mihai Stoica, Jürgen Schawe, Claire Navarre, Jörg Löffler, Roland Logé  
11:50 - 12:10 › Alloy development projects enabled by ultrasonic atomization - Bartosz Morończyk*, Tomasz Choma, Jakub Ciftci, Bartosz Kalicki, Łukasz Żrodowski  
12:10 - 13:30 Lunch + Coffee (Salon d'honneur)  
13:30 - 15:10 Synchrotron + neutron studies II (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Tatiana Mishurova (Session Chair) (+)  
13:30 - 13:50 › Synchrotron X-ray Hierarchical Imaging of Phase Transformations during Laser Additive Manufacturing - Yunhui Chen*, Artjom Bolender, Carsten Detlefs, Alexander Rack, Veijo Honkimaki, Peter Lee, Philip Withers, Mark Easton, Alexander Liehr, Manas V. Upadhyay, Thomas Niendorf  
13:50 - 14:10 › In-situ synchrotron radiography of melt pool and powder bed dynamics in electron beam powder bed fusion - Nick Semjatov*, Hans-Henrik König, Jihui Ye, Benjamin Wahlmann, Pidassa Bidola, Greta Lindwall, Carolin Körner  
14:10 - 14:30 › Processability of nickel self-fluxing alloy by L-PBF - Anthony Ty, Yannick Balcaen, Morgane Mokhtari*, Jordan Rigaud, Olivier Dalverny, Joel Alexis  
14:30 - 14:50 › Evolution of Residual Stresses during Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Structural Steels - William Hearn*, Steve Gaudez, Shieren Sumarli, Florencia Malamud, Steven Van Petegem  
14:50 - 15:10 › Fabrication, Microstructure Analysis and In-Situ Monitoring of 316L-CuCrZr Multi-Material Structures made through Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Antonios Nikolaos Baganis*, Florencia Malamud, Efthymios Polatidis, Vigneashwara Pandiyan, Christian Leinenbach  
13:30 - 15:10 Microstructure modelling (+ validation) (Amphi Becquerel) - Daniel Weisz-Patrault (Session Chair) (+)  
13:30 - 13:50 › Intergranular stress and plastic strain formation during laser scanning of additively manufactured stainless steel: An experimentally-driven thermomechanical simulation study - Nikhil Mohanan, Juan Guillermo Santos Macías*, Jérémy Bleyer, Thomas Helfer, Manas V. Upadhyay  
13:50 - 14:10 › On the occurrence of rapid solidification during laser powder-bed fusion of metallic alloys - Damien Tourret*, Jonah Klemm-Toole, Adriana Eres Castellanos, Amy Clarke, Alain Karma, Rouhollah Tavakoli, Adrian Boccardo, Muzi Li, Jon Molina-Aldareguia, Javier Llorca  
14:10 - 14:30 › Thermodynamics of non-equilibrium growing interfaces - Solidification modelling in multicomponent alloys of interest for AM applications - Gildas Guillemot*, Paul Martin, Chris Hareland, Peter Voorhees, Charles-André Gandin  
14:30 - 14:50 › Statistical approch through fast model for microstructure prediction - Quentin Dollé*, Daniel Weisz-Patrault, Ahmed El Bartali, Jean-François Witz  
14:50 - 15:10 › Orientation, phase and internal stress mapping by TEM applied to additive manufacturing microstructures - Arthur Després*, Maxence Buttard, Léo Monier, Muriel Véron, Edgar Rauch, Patricia Donnadieu, Guilhem Martin  
15:10 - 15:30 Coffee break (Grand Hall)  
15:30 - 18:10 Micromechanisms during AM (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Guilhem Martin (Session Chair) (+)  
15:30 - 15:50 › Silicon mediated twin formation in laser direct energy deposited 316L stainless steel - Kewei Chen*, Juan Guillermo Santos Macías, Nathalie Isac, Maxime Vallet, Louis Cornet, Manas V. Upadhyay  
15:50 - 16:10 › Delta-Ferrite to Austenite Phase Transformation Pathways and Mechanical Properties in 2205 Duplex Stainless Steels Manufactured via Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Xinyi He*, Zipeng Xu, Charlie Kong, Hao Wang, Xiaozhou Liao, Greg Rohrer, Simon Ringer, Nima Haghdadi, Sophie Primig  
16:10 - 16:30 › Insights into direct aging of 17-4 PH stainless steel manufactured via laser powder-bed fusion - Vitor Rielli*, Bernd Schulz, Sophie Primig  
16:30 - 16:50 › Grain boundary engineering in stainless steel 316L via controlling laser powder-bed fusion process parameters - Ming Luo*, Hao Wang, Xiaozhou Liao, Simon Ringer, Nima Haghdadi, Sophie Primig  
16:50 - 17:10 › Microstructure Evolution of LPBF Produced Medium Manganese Steel - Bugra Köksal*, Leoni Hübner, Christian Haase, Thomas Niendorf  
17:10 - 17:30 › Overlay Dilution Prevention Method in a Single Step L-DED Process - Jon Arruabarrena, Enara Mardaras, Garikoitz Artola, Ana Fernandez, Rodolfo Gonzalez, Xabier Lasheras*  
17:30 - 17:50 › Directed Energy Deposition of titanium alloys for biomedical application - Vladimir Popov*, Eyal Sabatani, Lynn Cohen, Inbar Sommer, Shir Batat, Noam Eliaz  
17:50 - 18:10 › Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in 316L stainless steels processed by LPBF - Sylvain Depinoy*, Ivan Lambert, Veronica Arias, Kaiwei Wu, Jean-Christophe Teissedre, Cécilie Duhamel  
15:30 - 18:10 Microstructure of reinforced/composite materials (Amphi Becquerel) - Eric Jägle (Session Chair) (+)  
15:30 - 15:50 › Role of carbides in grain growth mitigation in additive manufacturing of Inconel 718 - Konrad Gruber*, Wojciech Stopyra, Karol Kobiela, Philipp Kohlwes, Jan Čapek, Markus Strobl, Efthymios Polatidis, Ingomar Kelbassa  
15:50 - 16:10 › Site-Specific Fabrication of Metal Matrix Nanocomposites via Laser Directed Energy Deposition: Efficacy of Direct Nanoparticles Injection and Laser-Induced Remelting Techniques - Akash Aggarwal*, Christian Leinenbach, Marc Leparoux  
16:10 - 16:30 › Impact of TiC Particles on the Thermal Evolution during PBF-LB Manufacturing of Aluminum MMCs - Raphael Freundl*, Eric Jägle  
16:30 - 16:50 › Impact of nano-reinforcement addition on LPBF processability and properties of AlSi10Mg/B4C nanocomposites - Abdelrahman Elsayed*, Ivo Šulák, Frederike Brasche, Ulrich Krupp, Christian Haase  
16:50 - 17:10 › Effect of combined additions of Sc, Zr and Ti on hot-cracking resistance and precipitation behaviour in Al-Mg alloy processed by L-PBF - Federico Larini*, Riccardo Casati, Silvia Marola, Maurizio Vedani  
17:10 - 17:30 › In-situ alloying of AlSi10Mg-TiN through LPBF additive manufacturing - Mohammadreza Jandaghi*, Johan Moverare  
17:30 - 17:50 › Obtaining parts through selective laser melting (SLM) with metallic or metal-ceramic powders surface-modified using fluidized bed technology. - Neyder Aleixer Sandoval Vargas*, Alejandro Santos Villanueva, Joaquín Rams, Belen Torres, Pilar Rodrigo Herrero, Sandra Cifuentes, Sergio Sánchez-Delgado, Daniel Serrano Garcia, Sophia Tsipas  
17:50 - 18:10 › Fracture behaviour of a Ni-20 wt.%Cr binary alloy produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion: Influence of the sample orientation and rotation angle between layers - Sélia Benmabrouk*, Benoit Vieille, Eric Hug, Clément Keller  
18:10 - 19:45 Bus - from Ecole Polytechnique to Gala Dinner  
19:45 - 23:00 Gala dinner - Cocktail, dinner and cruise on the Seine river  
23:00 - 23:55 Bus - from Conference banquet to Massy Palaiseau and Ecole Polytechnique  

Friday, September 6, 2024

Time Event (+)
08:00 - 08:30 Bus - from Massy Palaiseau to Ecole Polytechnique  
08:30 - 09:50 Keynote (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Roland Logé (Session Chair) (+)  
08:30 - 09:10 › Intelligentsia of Nano-Architected Hierarchical Materials - Julia Greer*  
09:10 - 09:50 › Utilizing in-situ characterization techniques to probe the heat treatment response and micromechanical performance of LPBF processed and heat-treated Ti-6Al-4V - Kim Vanmeensel*, Matthias Bönisch, Martin Diehl, Marc Seefeldt, Tijmen Vermeij, Marc Geers, Johan Hoefnagels, Pushkar Dhekne  
09:50 - 10:10 Coffee break (Grand Hall)  
10:10 - 12:10 EBM + LPBF (Amphi Gay-Lussac) - Eric Charkaluk (Session Chair) (+)  
10:10 - 10:30 › Preliminary study of the influence of Silicon addition in Molybdenum processed by Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion - Samuele Di Sturco*, Giulio Marchese, Mariangela Lombardi, Paolo Fino, Sara Biamino  
10:30 - 10:50 › Processing of refractory metals by electron beam powder bed fusion - Benjamin Wahlmann*, Yong Chen, Raja Abdul Baseer, Carolin Körner  
10:50 - 11:10 › Electron beam powder bed fusion process monitoring by in-melt electron analysis - Jinghao Xu*, Prithwish Tarafder, Anton Wiberg, Huotian Zhang, Johan Moverare  
11:10 - 11:30 › The effect of scanning strategies on the microstructure of 316L stainless steel processed by electron beam powder bed fusion - Prithwish Tarafder*, Jinghao Xu, Anton Wiberg, Johan Moverare  
11:30 - 11:50 › PBF-LB of a non-weldable Ni-base Superalloy: role of scan strategies on hot cracking - Ahmed Fardan Jabir Hussain*, Håkan Brodin, Eduard Hryha  
11:50 - 12:10 › A journey into alloy design, development, and industrialisation of custom Al alloys for Additive Manufacturing applications - Federico Bosio*, Giuseppe Del Guercio, Chinmay Phutela, Rafael Casas, Tomasz Choma, Bartosz Kalicki, Alexander Pesl, Maria Teresa Perez Prado, Nesma Aboulkhair  
10:10 - 12:10 WAAM/WaDED + LDED (Amphi Becquerel) - Gabriella Tarantino (Session Chair) (+)  
10:10 - 10:30 › In-process alloying of stainless steels using Dual Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing - Implications for single-strand geometry, deformations and residual stresses - Bruno Courant*, Juliette Théodore, Baptiste Girault, Laurent Couturier, Emmanuel Bertrand, David Gloaguen, Grégoire Bazin, Thilo Pirling, Sandra Cabeza, Efthymios Polatidis  
10:30 - 10:50 › A novel high-strength Al-6Zn-4Ni-2Mg-1Cu-Fe alloy for directed energy deposition - Thomas Klein*, Petra Spoerk-Erdely, Aurel Arnoldt, Norbert Enzinger, Martin Stockinger, Clemens Simson  
10:50 - 11:10 › A novel high-temperature Ti-alloy for wire based directed energy deposition - Ehsan Farabi*, David Obersteiner, Michael Musi, José Neves, Thomas Klein, Sophie Primig  
11:10 - 11:30 › Investigations of TRIP and TWIP mechanisms in titanium AM alloys - José Neves*, Johann Grillitsch, David Holec, Thomas Klein  
11:30 - 11:50 › Microstructure of thin-walled structure with non uniform scanning speed - Michèle Bréhier*, Christophe Tournier, Daniel Weisz-Patrault  
11:50 - 12:10 › Microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured Inconel 617 for high-temperature applications in the nuclear industry - Tomasz Stasiak*, Jaroslaw Jasinski, Udisien Woy, Magdalena Wilczopolska, Marcin Kowal, Jozef Rzempoluch, Lukasz Kurpaska, Jacek Jagielski  
12:10 - 14:00 Lunch + coffee + closing remarks (Salon d'honneur)  
14:00 - 14:30 Bus - from Ecole Polytechnique to Massy-Palaiseau